Saturday, November 3, 2012

Blog4: the Lower Ninth Ward

   In this blog, I want to summarize my findings on the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans during Huricane katrina.
   The Lower Ninth Ward  is a poor area of New Orlean. It was hit by Hurrican Katrina in August 2005. Many people suffered serious threat during Hurricane Katrina. On the one hand, scores of people suffered hunger because of lacking of money. "There are convenience stores closer to home, but the prices are high; For a person on a fixed income, with no food stamps, it's hard" (McGill). Food is necessary for people's survival. But the prices of food were so high that many people couldn't afford it. It indicated that many people suffered hunger due to the high price of food.
   On the other hand, the Lower Ninth Ward suffered the threat of flooding. "The rising water turns the content of homes upsite down; as the water receded, homes and possessions were forever destoryed"(Hurricane Katrina: The Drive: New Orleans Lower 9th Ward). Because the Lower Ninth Ward is under the sea level, it's easy to be covered by flood. During the Hurricane Katrina, the power of the rising water was so strong that the homes and possessions were damaged seriously.
    In addition, the Lower Ninth Ward still could not recover from the Hurricane Katrina after 6 years. "In New Orleans' Lower 9th Ward, the grasses grow taller than people, many buildings are shuttered"( Burdeau). Because of the serious threat of Hurricane Katrina, a great amount of people have evacuated the Lower 9th Ward and didn't go back. There were fewer people lived in Lower 9th Ward, so the grasses grew exuberant. Though many area of New Orleans is being rebuilt, Lower 9th ward isn't. "Some of the data shows that New orleans is rebuilding better than before, Plyer said, Lower 9th Ward is among a number of low-income communities that have had difficulty rebuilding since Katrina's flooding"(Burdeau). Because Lower 9th Ward was a poor area, it has no enough money to rebuild. So it has to wait for the support of government. But it was a low-income area and there was a narrow market for business in Lower 9th Ward because fewer people lived there after Hurricane Katrina hit there. So the government didn't pay attention to Lower 9th Ward.
    All in all, the Lower Ninth Ward suffered seriously threats but it hasn't recovered from the Hurricane Katrina because of lacking of money. Money plays an important role in the Lower Ninth Ward during and after the hurricane.


McGill, Kevin. "New Orleans Nonprofits, Activists Try to Build Up City's Food Deserts." Coogle. N.p.,November 3, 2012.Web.November 3, 2012.

"Hurricane Katrina: The Drive: New Orleans the Lower Ninth Ward." You Tube. TRyanNOVAC, June16, 2006. Web.November 3, 2012.

"Aftermath." Laguardia Library Media Resources Center.Web.November 3, 2012.


1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Digna Colon and as part of the assignment of my ENG 101 class I have to offer my perspective on your blog. First of all, Jelly, as an outside reader I can say that your blog provides a pretty good understanding of what happened during and after Hurricane Katrina in the Lower 9th Ward. However, my suggestions for you are the following. As an outside reader I would like to know who were those poor people that you are mentioning in The Lower 9th Ward. What was the size of the affected area? Why do you think the Government didn’t pay attention to the city? I think that if you provide more detailed information you can improve your summary of The Lower 9th Ward in a significantly. I also think that although you are using quotations to support your points, I noticed that you didn’t introduce any signal phrase before quoting it. Remember that it’s important to let the readers know when a quotation is going to be introduced and without this information your quotations is not complete. Overall, I think you did a good job and brought up some good points. Finally, I recommend that you proof read your work as well.
